Shaarey Tphiloh Prayers, by Caryl Herzfeld
Shaarey Tphiloh Prayers, by Caryl Herzfeld

Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh

Please join us in our new location

Deuteronomy 16:18-21:19
Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12

Candle lighting 6:42 p.m.

Shabbat Services
September 10, 2016 9:30 a.m.

Welcome to Shabbat Services


September 3, 2016 – 30 Av 5776

Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
Maftir: Numbers 28:9-15
Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1-24

Candle lighting 6:55 p.m.

Kiddush generously sponsored by Stan and Doris Pollack in memory of Doris’s mother, Faye Carroll

Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh, 76 Noyes St. Portland, ME 04103

President: Dr. Natan Kahn
Administrative Director: Susan C. Lawrence 207-773-0693
Shaarey Tphiloh Office Hours: T, Th, F 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Ner Lamaore

Diane Kline, in memory of Fred Sibolkin
Barry Cohen, in memory of Ann Cohen
Erwin and Ruth Cohen, in memory of Paul Lerman

Parshat Shoftim

Internal Judgement but Outward Love

Judges and magistrates shall you set before you at all your gates…

“While contemporary Jewry may seem like a top heavy organization with a bloated self-appointed leadership proclaiming ever more severe rulings and extremist dogmas generally foreign to traditional texts and practices, and its concern with “Stadium Judaism,” Jewish mystical thought, and the Hassidic movement in particular, became popular because of their emphasis upon the spiritual uniqueness of each individual, giving universal meaning to every tear, every moment of pain of each individual. The way this week’s text, which seemingly deals with just that kind of bureaucratic process, is read by the mystics, is a perfect example of what the movement was once about.
Whereas in the classical medieval commentators these sections provided an opportunity to discuss political and social issues, from the Shenei Luchot Habrit (the Shel”a) onwards there is a tendency to internalize these commandments, reading them as referring to psychological states. Less concerned with the political workings of a society, the Hasidic masters turned these ordinances inward, into statements of inner governance. The Shel”a’s reading of the verse “judges and magistrates you shall set up at your gates” hinges upon the word “your,” thus understanding the verse as commanding a personal, internal critique at the portals of entry of sensory information to consciousness, that is at the senses. One needs to create an internal monitoring service to filter and process incoming information.
In a quotation attributed to the Baal Shem Tov, the Degel Mahane Ephraim gives specific form to the types of filters with which we must process the outside world- with “judges” referring to love of God, and “magistrates” referring to fear or awe of God; with love and awe filters on, we must analyze every action we undertake (as opposed to the spam filters we operate on our emails). The Shem M’Shemuel suggests that there must be a master “chush“, a master sensory input filter, which integrates all the other senses into a spiritually correct vision, so to speak, to which this verse refers…”

Mark Kirschbaum ~ Tikkun –

Sukkot 5777

The Israel Book Shop is now accepting orders for your Lulavim, Etrogim and Hoshanot. Sukkot begins Sundaynight, October 16, 2016. The deadline for placing orders is very shortly after Rosh HaShanah which is October 3-4. Don’t miss out! Sets are $45.00 plus a small shipping charge.

– Call Shaarey Tphiloh now! 207-773-0693 –

The Milken Archive

A musical adventure of historic scope and proportion, the Milken Archive was founded in 1990 to document, preserve, and disseminate the vast body of music that pertains to the American Jewish experience. Over two decades, the Milken Archive has become the largest collection of American Jewish music ever assembled—more than 700 recorded works, including over 500 world premiere recordings. But the Milken Archive, known primarily up to now for its groundbreaking 50-CD series released on the Naxos label, is far more than a recording project. The Milken Archive’s collection consists of 800 hours of oral histories, 50,000 photographs and historical documents, and thousands of hours of video footage from recording sessions, interviews, and live performances, plus an extensive collection of program notes and essays—the vast majority written by Artistic Director Neil W. Levin, Professor of Music at the Jewish Theological Seminary and one of the foremost authorities on Jewish music—that provide historical and cultural context.

Use this link to find a selection of music related to Tisha B’Av and thousands of other choices, including oral histories and photographs.

Melton: I am delighted to welcome you to our 7th year of course offerings through the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning with a few additional treats from local faculty members. Molly Curren Rowles, our Assistant Director, will be the contact person for classes until a new Programming Director is hired. I will be returning mid-January and look forward to catching up more with you then. Registration is currently open; I encourage you to sign up early and to support the scholarship fund. Deposits are $75/class and scholarship applications are due by August 8. – Fae Silverman

Call the JCA, 207-772-1959 to register

JCA Adult Ed Classes   

Mondays @ JCA 5:30pm-7:00pm
Sept 12-May 8
Rhythms of Jewish Living w/ babysitting & dinner

Tuesdays @ BH 9:00am-10:30am
Nov 1-Apr 4
BeMidbar: Leadership Defined & Defended

Wednesdays @ JCA 6:00pm-9:00pm
Oct 26 – Mar 8
Holocaust Studies: Primo Levi Book Club and Cinema

Wednesdays @ JCA 7:00pm-8:30pm Mar
15-May 23
Jewish Humor

Thursday @ Brunswick 6:30pm-8:30pm
Sept 15-May 11
Rhythms of Jewish Living

Wednesdays @ JCA 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Sept 21-Oct 5
Siamese Mah Jongg



Josh Pernick

Rabbinic Intern from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah

More About Josh

Josh Pernick is currently a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in NY. A graduate of Brandeis University, he worked in the field of Jewish education for a number of years before beginning his rabbinic training at YCT, obtaining a Master of Arts in Teaching in Jewish Day School Elementary Education through the DeLeT program at Brandeis University as well as completing a post-graduate fellowship in Jewish education through the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators in Jerusalem.

He spent the past few years teaching Judaic studies at Jewish day schools in Charleston, SC, Watertown, MA and Atlanta GA, and currently teaches in a community education program at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale in NY. Josh also serves on the Judaic Studies teaching staff during the summer at Camp Yavneh in Northwood, NH. The son of a pulpit rabbi, Josh is looking forward to beginning his rabbinic career at Shaarey Tphiloh, learning from all of you who have been part of this community for so many years about all of the unique qualities that make Shaarey Tphiloh such a warm and special place

Fall Community Festival

Center Day Camp, 74 Hackett Road, Windham, ME 04062

Sunday, September 18, 2016

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm

  • Maine Attorney General Janet Mills and other speakers
  • There will be guided activities for children during this time.

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

  • Community organizations share information about themselves to the public
    • We will have tables setup in the Schwartz building for organizations to display materials and invite community members to ask questions.
    • Each organization that participates must have a representative from the organization present during this time to talk to community members.
  • Face painting and food will be available during this time

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Adult and Family Enrichment such as Yoga.

How to participate:
Please mail us the name of your organization, the organizational representative who will attend and a description of what materials you will display. Along with contact information.

Deadline for participation: August 1st
Email to: Alexandra Sax
Jewish Community Alliance

Kosher Food at Back Cove Hannaford

Hannaford at Back Cove is now carrying more items in its Kosher food freezer located at back of store. Ask an employee for more information.


Wish List:

Diapers and wipes


Baked Beans

Pasta Sauce & Pasta

Kid Friendly Snacks-granola bars, etc.


Juice Boxes

Learning Opportunity at Chabad House

On Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., Dr. Shimon Simons will teach Maimonides’ Hilchot Deot, “laws of character development,” at Chabad House, 11 Pomeroy Street, Portland. The next class meeting is Tuesday, January 19. Texts will be provided. Call Chabad House at 871-8947 for more details or check the December issue of the Jewish Journal.


Because the program has proven so popular in the past, this year we’re offering two sessions of Great Jewish Books: July 24-29 and July 31-August 7.

All students admitted to the program receive scholarships covering the full cost of tuition, room and board, books, and special events.

Now in its fifth year, Great Jewish Books brings together a diverse group of rising high school juniors and seniors to spend a week reading important works of modern Jewish literature and discussing them in seminar-style classes led by college professors. Outside of class, they meet renowned visiting authors, enjoy group recreational activities in the Amherst area, and get a taste of college life while staying (with staff RAs) in dorms on the Hampshire College campus, adjacent to the Yiddish Book Center.

Every year, the Yiddish Book Center welcomes a group of enthusiastic, engaged high school students for our Great Jewish Books Summer Program. Applications for the 2016 program are due April 1.

You can learn more about the program at or by calling or e-mailing us at 413-256-4900, ext. 143, I’m also including a flyer about the program that can be downloaded here, which I hope you will post and share with others.

As we look forward to another exciting summer of Great Jewish Books, we appreciate your sharing this information with any prospective applicants you know.

No electronic devices are permitted. No electronic children’s toys or cell phones or cameras are permitted in the synagogue on the Sabbath.

Please consider making a gift to one of our many funds. Call the office at 773-0693 for details. Thank you for your support of Shaarey Tphiloh. Contributions are tax-deductible.

Yahrzeits This Week

8 Elul Anna Brownstein, Rebecca Finkelman, Al Schulman
9 Elul Seraya Lyapyufker, Joseph Shatz
10 Elul Maurice Karlin, Esther Lapidus
11 Elul David Hartman, Fannie Jacobson, Anna Meyer, David Meyer
12 Elul Sarah Boxstein, Emma Goldblatt, Abraham Greenberg, Paul Lerman, Max Santowsky, Sandra Sternberg, Ida Wolf
13 Elul Samuel Berenson, Sally Davidson, Ruth Kramer, Frank Wolman, Mamie Zaitlin
14 Elul Favish Feldman

Shaarey Tphiloh is now celebrating 112 years as a traditional Jewish spiritual home in Maine!

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