Shabbat Shalom!

July 13-14
2 Av

Services will begin at 9:30.

Shabbat Matot-Masei
Torah: Numbers 30:2 – 36:13
Maftir: Numbers 28:9-15
Haftorah: Jeremiah 2:4-2:28, 3:4

Shabbat Candles: July 13, 8:03 PM
Havdalah: July 14, 9:10 PM

Tisha B’Av will be Saturday, July 21 – Sunday, July 22.

Josh Pernick

After two years of visiting Portland for weekends, Josh is living in town for six weeks this summer! He is teaching a couple of weekly classes at the JCA in addition to his work with Shaarey Tphiloh, and is hosting classes and meals out of his summer apartment on Pleasant Street . Josh is teaching a daily class on Tractate Brachot at his apartment in the evenings, and is also open to one-on-one or small group learning on a Jewish topic of interest to you! Please be in touch with any ideas of things that you would like to learn, programs that you would like to see happen or just to set up a time to talk about anything on your mind. He will be in Portland from the beginning of July until mid-August.

Sponsor a Kiddush!

Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh and Temple Beth El are partnering to offer Kiddush refreshments on Shabbat and holidays. Sharing a Friday night or Shabbat service and Kiddush is a wonderful opportunity to support our congregations, build community, share in the simcha of a birthday, anniversary or graduation, and offer comfort to those observing a yahrzeit.
Please note, due to the increased cost of lox, premium level Kiddush sponsorships now cost $200.

Click here for more info

Temple Beth El’s Pop Up Challah Shop!

Order by 5:00 pm on Thursday and pick up on Friday!
Small – $3.00 / Large – $5.00 / 6 Rolls – $5.00
Order Now!

Rabbi Aaron Shub

Welcome to Maine – Rabbi Aaron Shub and family! Shaarey Tphiloh is pleased to announce our new spiritual leader and teacher, Rabbi Aaron Shub! Rabbi Shub has moved to Maine and will be our new rabbi in August! We welcome him and his family with open arms and are thrilled that they will become part of our Portland community. For more information about Rabbi Shub go to our website:



Refuah Shleimah

Nicholas ben Alma
Akiva ben Sarah
Channah Bryndel bas Bluma
Yona ben Zlata Meryl
Aviva bat Rut

Dear Shaarey Tphiloh Community,

We need your help!

Every Saturday morning we say a prayer for Refuah Shleimah for members of our congregation and their loved ones who are in need of healing. We would like to include the names of all those in our community who would benefit from our thoughts and prayers so we encourage you to communicate with us. Please, let us know if there is anyone whose name you would like included in our service and announcements and keep us updated through their recovery.

Shabbat Shalom,
Hillary Stroe

Donations and Tributes

From Sharon Silver in memory of her mother, Jean M. Silver.
From Jonas and Lorraine Smith in memory of Jonas’ mother, Jenni Smith.


2 Av
Debora Singer Bach
Dorothy Millman
Howard Hirshon
Samuel Segal
Harry Brown
Musa Etta Comeras

3 Av
Isaac Zaitlin
Philip Gerber
Samuel Edward Ketover
Robert Reef
Lillian S Cutler
Louis Schwartz
Benjamin Freedman
Tena Ross
Nathan Sandler
Joseph Sprince

4 Av
Jules Abramson
Abraham Feuerstein
Fishel Lyapyufker
Mary Schraer
Israel Dansky
Jennie Glovsky

5 Av
Sophie Goldberg
Lillian Pollack
Hyman Kroot
Jack Gleckman
Etta Korytno

6 Av
Israel Romanow
Charles Slosberg
Jennie Smith
Harry Kroot

7 Av
Charles Finitsis
Rose Boxstein
Miriam Mack
Louis Taylor
Zelig Levey
Leo Potolsky

8 Av
Joseph Cope
Oscar Pluznick

Tisha B’Av

Here are a list of dates and times for the weekend of the 9th of Av.

Saturday, July 21/8 Av
9:30 AM Shabbat Services
8:16 PM Fast Begins
9:07 PM Havdallah
9:30 PM Community Observance of Tisha B’Av and Reading of Eicha at Etz Chaim

Sunday, July 22/9 Av
9:00 AM Shacharit Services (no tefillin) with Temple Beth El
7:50 PM Mincha (tefillin)
8:50 PM Break-The-Fast with Temple Beth El

Upcoming Events

Talmud Chabura
July 9 – August 15
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm, and Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 pm

Do you want to study Talmud but don’t know where to start? This summer Shaarey Tphiloh Student Rabbi Josh Pernick will be learning Masechet Brachot and invites the community to learn with him at his apartment. Please email Shaarey Tphiloh for an address or to join remotely! No need to attend each and every class, just be prepared to learn!


Jewish Community Night at Hadlock Field
July 19 – 7:00 pm

Join the JCA and other Jewish community organizations at the Portland Sea Dogs for an exciting night of baseball versus the Hartford Yard Goats.  Section 210 is reserved for Jewish community members. Purchase tickets here or by calling (207) 879-9500 and asking for tickets in the section reserved for Jewish Community Night.


Seuda Shlishit/Learning Opportunity
July 21, 6:30 PM
RSVP for Address

Join Student Rabbi Josh Pernick at his downtown Portland apartment for a “third meal” before the community Tisha B’Av observance. There will be food and learning presented by Zoe Lang entitled “Rolling in the Deep: Great Sea Monsters in the Sources.” Please RSVP for the address. Hope to see you there!

Community Observance of Tisha B’Av and Reading of Eicha
Jul 21, 2018, 9:30 to 10:30 PM
Etz Chaim Synagogue, 267 Congress Street

Please join the Jewish community in the garden at Etz Chaim Synagogue for a special observance of the Fast of Tisha B’Av, the Ninth of Av, commemorating and mourning the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, with meditation, teaching, and chanting Eicha – the Book of Lamentations. Please bring a few folding chairs for extra seating if you are able, and a flashlight! For any questions contact Daniel at or 207-774-2649

Maine Jewish Museum
267 Congress St, Portland
Exhibitions: July 12, 2018 – August 31, 2018
Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm

“Home” by Nancy Glassman – Spiegel Gallery

“Getting Wind of It” by Samuel Gelber – Fineberg Family Community Room

“Through My Father’s Lens” by Henry Pollard, curated by Jessica Lantos – Third Floor Sanctuary

Open Mah Jongg
Wednesdays, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Moser Family Library at the JCA – 1342 Congress St., Portland
Free for JCA members, $5/general public per session

Join us for open play in a fun and welcoming environment – beginners and seasoned players invited! Use one of the JCA’s sets or bring your own. Don’t forget your 2018 National Mah Jongg League Card.

Career Opportunity

JCA seeks New Hillel Director

The Southern Maine Hillel (SMH), a program of the Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine (JCA), seeks an energetic, outgoing and engaging Director to be a Jewish presence at the University of Southern Maine, University of New England, Maine College of Art and Southern Maine Community College – to reach out to students and connect them in meaningful ways to Jewish life and to participate in campus life as a Jewish voice. The SMH is affiliated with Hillel International, whose mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.
Find out more

Sunday Simcha!

Sunday Mornings – 6:30 to 8:30 am
We welcome new hosts: Hillel, Marshall Tinkle, Barbara Merson, Natan Kahn.

Sunday Simcha is the only Jewish music program in Maine and northern New England and one of only a handful of Jewish music radio shows in the United States. Shows are wildly eclectic- one of the few Jewish shows to feature modern, diverse, and cutting-edge recordings in addition to traditional music.

Sunday Simcha features:
An eclectic blend of Jewish music from across the diaspora, including klezmer, Sephardic, Ladino, traditional, sacred, folk, rock, classical, kids’ music, and jazz – Live interviews – News and announcements for the Southern Maine Jewish community – Occasional Jewish humor

Jacob Cousins Memorial

Unveiled in September 1935, the Jacob Cousins Memorial was part of an ongoing nationwide effort to highlight both the patriotism of Jewish Americans and their contribution during times of conflict. The memorial is a key artifact in the history of the Jewish community in southern Maine linking past to present and inspiring visitors to remember, respect and contemplate the cost of war.

In its current state the memorial is difficult to view and appreciate as it faces directly onto Eastern promenade Drive. Friends of the Eastern promenade is raising funds to redesign this historic landmark.

To donate to this important cause click here.

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