Shabbat Shalom
שבת שלום
July 8, 2017
14 Tammuz 5777

400 Deering Avenue
Portland, Maine
Room 4A

Services this Saturday, July 8, will begin at 10:00 am.

Parashat Balak
Annual: Num. 22:2-25:9
Haftarah: Micah 5:6-6:8

Candle Lighting
Friday, July 7 – 8:06 pm

Saturday, July 8 – 9:06 pm
Click here to read Josh Pernick’s D’var Torah

TBE’s Pop-Up Challah Shop
Benefiting the Kiddush Fund

Large: $5.00
Small: $3.00
6 Rolls: $5.00

Here’s how it works:

Option 1: Ready-to-bake Frozen Dough
Pre-braided frozen Kosher challah dough will be available for immediate purchase during regular office hours and during KBE on Sunday’s 9a-12p.
Option 2: Made-to-order Fresh Baked Challah
To buy our fresh baked challah, simply email,, or call Daniel Heinrich at 774-2649 by noon on Thursday to place your order for the coming Shabbat. Orders will be ready for pick-up between 1pm and 3pm on Friday’s, or during weekend services if pre-paid by check or credit card.

Sponsor a Kiddush!

Temple Beth El and Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh are partnering to offer Kiddush refreshments on Shabbat and holidays. Sharing a Friday night or Shabbat service and Kiddush is a wonderful opportunity to support our congregations, build community, share in the simcha of a birthday, anniversary or graduation, and offer comfort to those observing a yahrzeit.

Click here for more info.

Sunday Simcha!
Sunday Mornings – 6:30 to 8:30 am
We welcome new hosts: Hillel, Marshall Tinkle, Emily Epstein, Natan Kahn and Joel Kahn.

Sunday Simcha is the only Jewish music program in Maine and northern New England and one of only a handful of Jewish music radio shows in the United States. Shows are wildly eclectic- one of the few Jewish shows to feature modern, diverse, and cutting-edge recordings in addition to traditional music.

Sunday Simcha features:
An eclectic blend of Jewish music from across the diaspora, including klezmer, Sephardic, Ladino, traditional, sacred, folk, rock, classical, kids’ music, and jazz – Live interviews – News and announcements for the Southern Maine Jewish community – Occasional Jewish humor

Dear Shaarey Tphiloh Community,

We need your help!

Every Saturday morning we say a prayer for Refuah Shleimah for members of our congregation and their loved ones who are in need of healing. We would like to include the names of all those in our community who would benefit from our thoughts and prayers so we encourage you to communicate with us. Please, let us know if there is anyone whose name you would like included in our service and announcements and keep us updated through their recovery.

Shabbat Shalom,
Daniel Heinrich
Administrative Assistant


Chuck Aronovitch in memory of Harry Aronovitch.

Community Calendar

Camp Ramah in New England Prospective Family Day!
Sundays, July 16 and 30
Come see for yourself where all of the Ramah magic happens! Learn about the unique Jewish education program, check out our amazing amenities and meet our fabulous staff. To learn more or to RSVP contact Lori Fish Bard,


Yavneh for a Day

Calling all prospective campers – want to have a go in the gaga pit? Try your hand at loom? Splash in the agam? Then join us on July 9th, 10-1:30 PM for Yavneh for a Day to see what makes Yavneh so special. Children will participate in sports, art, music and dance and have a chance to tour camp facilities. A delicious camp lunch is included. For more information call 603-942-5593, visit our website at or send us an email at to register.


Mid-Maine Jewish Funtensive
Day Camp!

June 26-30 and July 10-14

Reserve your spot with Rabbi Erica Asch,


Inconvenient Artifacts: Repurposing Qatar’s Past for the New National Museum w/Dr. Jocelyn Sage (Weiner) Mitchell

Friday, July 21 at 7 PM

Temple Shalom, Auburn, ME

Musical Shabbat, Oneg, Lecture and Q&A

Dr. Jocelyn Sage Mitchell is an assistant professor of political science at Northwestern University in Doha, Qatar, where she has lived since 2008.


The JCA is excited to tell you about the launch of our new afterschool program! Designed for children in grades K-3, our curriculum has been inspired by and closely aligned with the care some of you know and love from our preschool.

Registration for the after school program is officially open and will launch this fall with limited enrollment — we encourage you to sign up soon! Transportation from Portland Public schools and accommodating early release Wednesdays will be provided.

Click here for more information


Family Camp At Yavneh

Kosher family vacations don’t have to break the bank! Get out of the city and spend time in the great outdoors with your family and friends. If you enjoy amazing activities – like the fishing tournament, challah baking, wine tasting and tie dye shirt making along with eating delicious kosher food and spending quality Shabbat time with family and friends, then Family Camp at Yavneh can’t be missed! Spaces are filling so act quick! And as an added bonus you don’t have to do laundry or cook for five whole days! August 23rd – 27th, with pre-camp beginning on Aug 21st. For more information call 603-942-5593, visit our website or send Efrat Assulin an email to register.



14 Tammuz
Annie Greenberg
Reuben Greenberg
Pauline Robinson
Abraham Rodman
Abraham Tietz

15 Tammuz
Maurice Cohen
Sophie Forman
Carl Lonstein
Lena Modes
Celia Shapiro

16 Tammuz
Julius Comeras

17 Tammuz
Isaac Ber
Hyman Erlick
Paul Gerber
Abraham Grushkin
Doris Hugo
Donald Shulman

18 Tammuz
Samuel Agger
Max Fleischer
Bennett Goffin

19 Tammuz
Max Bornstein
Pincus Kaufman
Samuel Novick

20 Tammuz
Abraham Mirochnick
Abraham Slotsky

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